
give yourself permission to feel

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Journaling Your Way to Calm: 6 Guided Journals to Tackle Anxiety

When was the last time you put down your phone and picked up your journal to write down your thoughts? For most of you, the answer must be a long time ago. In the past 2 years, journaling has become one of the trending ways to explore your emotions while also being affordable. The practice…

5 Feel-Good Movies For The Long Weekend

How many times have you spent your Saturday nights mindlessly scrolling on Instagram until 3 a.m.? I admit, I’ve done it countless times. Adulting can be tough, especially when you live away from family or most of your friends have moved away. Making plans becomes challenging, and you might find yourself feeling lonely on the…

14 Best Things My Therapist Said That Stayed With Me

There is so much shame around going to therapy, but seeking professional help is the most empowering step you can take towards your mental health. Here are some wise lessons I learned from my therapist –

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